Monday 13 April 2009

Rust and more roost

I thought today was going to be easy, a little light rub and paint. Saw the red stuff coming through, so here I am taking years of neglect away. Found a big hole that somebody thought it a good idea to fill with putty. So it has to be done properly this time, all rust and rubbish away, fill with metal, prime and then paint. Just a few more days work never planned for, but that's living on the water.


  1. Hi Bruce. hope your still working hard with the sanding! I replied to your comment about becoming a follower. As I explained I am new to all this too. I wanted to know how to follow blogs and went all around the world to find out how. I have just discovered that on top of the page on peoples blogs there is a label that says follow, [ next to the labels, new post, flag blog etc ] just click on that and it will let you follow that blog! I now have a list of blogs I follow. [ How proud am I of myself! ] as always its easy when you know how. We will be expert Bloggers before we know it!!

  2. I am a better electrician welder, plumber, painter, mechanic than computery things still do not know how or why so sorry. Total lost thingy, person who did this thing came from Mars. Probably would not know how to change a blinking light bulb.

  3. Still have no clue how to follow other blogs or write a comment on others thingies. If they just wrote in plain language instead of things Ive never heard of. Or even press this to follow! Sorry I will be a long time getting used to this.
